🥳 Update:  stylink  übernimmt cliqe (Pressemitteilung) 📰

Style Guide

Easily adjust global styles using the guide below.


Primaries and Acent color controlled by the Global Swatch feature.


Headings, body and other common text elements.

Heading 01 - 64px

Heading 01 - Medium/Semibold/Bold

Heading 02 - 56px

Heading 02 - Medium/Semibold/Bold

Heading 03 - 40px

Heading 03 - Medium/Semibold/Bold

Heading 04 - 32px

Heading 04 - Medium/Semibold/Bold
Heading 05 - 24px
Heading 05 - Medium/Semibold/Bold
Heading 06 - 20px
Heading 05 - Medium/Semibold/Bold
Body 01 - 20px
Body 01 - Regular/Medium/Semibold
Body 02 - 18px
Body 02 - Regular/Medium/Semibold
Body 03 - 16px
Body 03 - Regular/Medium/Semibold

Paragraph  20px

Body 01 - Regular/Medium/Semibold

Paragraph  18px

Body 01 - Regular/Medium/Semibold
  • This is the list item.
  • This is the list item.
  • This is the list item.
  1. This is the list item.
  2. This is the list item.
  3. This is the list item.


Componets are size and different styles.

Field inputs

General style and state variantions for text inputs.
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Check box

Styling the checkbox varients.